1.3.3 Pricing strategies - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Business
This set of resources includes 1x PPT and 3x word files and can be delivered over 2-3 lessons. Learners are introduced to various pricing strategies that are used by businesses with their pros and cons. Statements are shown on screen and students must recall the strategy identified to consolidate knowledge. We then look at what influences the setting of prices before embarking on an engaging group activity where students are given scenarios, in these scenarios they must
identify a suitable pricing strategy for the situation.
In the next part of the lesson, students have the opportunity to read a case study on the most profitable company, Apple and the launch of one of their new iPhones - a 12 mark question, structure guidance and a model answer is provided for students to look at before peer assessing and making improvements to WWW and EBI.
Two links to kahoot quizzes, a homework question and a box plenary to finish with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you