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1.3.2 Branding and promotion - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Business

1.3.2 Branding and promotion - Theme 1 Edexcel A Level Business


This set of resources includes 1x PPT and 2x word files and 4 clips, and can be delivered over a double lesson. Learners are introduced to what branding is made up of and looking at the top brands in the world. Plenty of real life examples of strong branding before looking at different types of above and below the line promotion.


We then go on to read a case study about a budget hotel chain, a 12 mark question with structure guidance and model answer is provided for students to look at when peer assessing and making improvements to WWW and EBI

A link to kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with, plus an 8 mark homework with a concise model answer provided to look at the following lesson.


Colourful, concise and engaging slides! 


Thank you

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