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1.1.2 Market research (part 2 market research & segmentation) - A Level Business

1.1.2 Market research (part 2 market research & segmentation) - A Level Business


This set of resources includes 1x PPT, 3x word files and an audio clip. Learners build on their knowledge from market and product orientation and are introduced to market research, the use of ICT to support research and market segmentation. We start by looking at the different types of research with their pros and cons before looking at a case study on a how a hotel can use market
research - 4 mark question with guidance and model answer provided. We then go on to look at how quantitative research can be used by online retailers - a 12 mark question, with structure guidance and concise model answer provided for students to peer assess. A link to a kahoot to consolidate learning.


In the second lesson, students have the opportunity to see different market segments, a group task to target a product at a particular market segment before completing a 4 mark question, again model answer provided to help develop exam technique. A box plenary to end with.


Colourful, concise and engaging slides! 


Thank you

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